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SOU 2007:067 Regeringsformen ur ett könsperspektiv. En
Tullkriminalavdelningen ansvarar för Tullverkets brottsutredning som inkluderar förundersökning, spaningsteknik, it-forensik, samt Tullverkets laboratorieverksamhet. Läs om vad du kan arbeta med på avdelningen och vad du behöver för tidigare erfarenheter. devices. Meeting Central Securities Depositories Regulation (CSDR) requirements. The European Central Securities Depositories Regulation (CSDR) is one of the key regulations adopted in the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis.
European Parliament – legislative observatory De senaste tweetarna från @EURLex The eurlex R package attempts to significantly reduce the overhead associated with using SPARQL and REST APIs made available by the EU Publication Office. Although at present it does not offer access to the same array of information as comprehensive web scraping might, the package provides simpler, more efficient and transparent access to data on European Union law. THe EUR-Lex Corpus is a multilingual corpus in all the official languages of the European Union. The corpus has been built from HTML files available in EUR-Lex database.
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Funktion: en enhet eller avdelning som består av en eller flera personer med uppdrag att utföra en eller flera uppgifter inom verksamheten. 3.Interna regler: policy- och styrdokument, riktlinjer, instruktioner eller andra På EUR-Lex finns mer information om till exempel beslutade och föreslagna ändringar, konsoliderade versioner samt andra rättsakter med kopplingar till den aktuella rättsakten.
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Living, working, travelling in the EU. Information on your rights to live, work, travel and study in another EU … Business opportunitiesTED.
Eur-Lex contains all EU law (sectors 3 and 4), which can be retrieved by browsing or using the search options. The main types of acts under this heading are EU treaties (sector 1), directives , regulations , decisions as well as consolidated legislation (sector 0), etc.
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Systemet bygger på sökningar i EUT (Europeiska unionens officiella tidning) som till EUR-Lex [Elektronisk resurs] ingång till EU-rätten. (199?-). Luxemburg: Publications office, EU; Tillgänglig på Internet: eurlex-diff-2018-06-20.
(199?-). Luxemburg: Publications office, EU; Tillgänglig på Internet:
eurlex-diff-2018-06-20. Le ralentisseur et les pièces associées sont remplacés par les pièces requises pour une variante de boîte de vitesses équivalente sans
EUR-Lex – använd innehållsförteckning för rättskällor.
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Usable for a direct comparison. XML header included. [eurlex-directory-codes.rar] [eurlex-subject-matters.rar] [eurlex-eurovoc-descriptors.rar] eurlex.js.
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SOU 2007:067 Regeringsformen ur ett könsperspektiv. En
THe EUR-Lex Corpus is a multilingual corpus in all the official languages of the European Union. The corpus has been built from HTML files available in EUR-Lex database. Thanks to the coverage of a vast area of subjects, the corpus is an excellent general purpose resource for anyone looking for translation examples in many languages.
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Show all News About EURL. The concept of the EU Reference Laboratories (EURLs, former CRLs) and National Reference Laboratories (NRLs) is layed down in the Regulation (EC) No 882/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Public procurement notices from the European Union and beyond. Asset Publisher. Articles about coronavirus. Legal documents. EU publications and legislative measures. COVID-19 related tenders.