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Dertig jaar internationaal praktijkonderzoek heeft geleid tot de zeven kernprincipes van Open Dialog ue . Open Dialogue Approach: Treatment Principles and Preliminary Results of a Two-YearFollow-Upon First Episode Schizophrenia Jaakko Seikku!a Birgitta Alakare Vv’estern Lapland Health District and University of Oulu Jukka Aaltonen Juha Holma University of lyi’skyla Finland STAKES, National Research and Development Center for Welfare and Health The Open Dialogue approach to psychiatric treatment, pioneered in Western Lapland by Seikkula and colleagues [17, 18], as well as observations in cross-cultural psychiatry [19][20][21][22 Lynne Malcolm: Jaakko Seikkula, developer of Open Dialogue model for mental health crisis care. He has some unconventional hypotheses about what we call psychosis, which informs the Open Dialogue 2016-04-21 · OPEN DIALOGUE in the new era of mental health care Jaakko Seikkula Jaakko.seikkula@jyu.fi Seikkula, J. & Arnkil, TE: Open dialogues and anticipations. Abordage Open Dialogue en Finlandia: entrevista con Jaakko Seikkula Ana Carolina Florence Pós-graduanda do Programa de Psicologia e Sociedade (Doutorado), Faculdade de Ciências e Letras, Universidade Estadual Paulista “Júlio de Mesquita Filho” (Unesp). Hos Adlibris hittar du miljontals böcker och produkter inom jaakko seikkula Vi har ett brett sortiment av böcker, garn, leksaker, pyssel, sällskapsspel, dekoration och mycket mer för en inspirerande vardag. Nick Putman is a registered psychotherapist and a certified Open Dialogue practitioner and trainer, having completed a two year training in the Open Dialogue approach with Mary Olson and others in the US and a three year trainer’s training programme in London with Jaakko Seikkula and others. Jaakko Seikkula From 1981 to 1998 he was Chief Psychologist at Keropudas hospital in Tornio, Finland, and was instrumental in the development of the Open Dialogue approach there.

Jaakko seikkula open dialogue

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Open Dialogue (OD) is an innovative, language-based, network approach to acute psychiatric crises developed by Jaakko Seikkula, Birgitta Alakare, Jukka Aaltonen and their multi-disciplinary team at Keropudas Hospital in Tornio, Finland. You are here: Home About ISPS Learning Resources Jaakko Seikkula: The Finnish Open Dialogue Approach About us The ISPS Executive Committee (ISPS EC) is composed of eight members who are elected by ballot, by the ISPS membership, at least every three years. The family-oriented open dialogue approach in the treatment of first-episode psychosis: Nineteen–year outcomes Author links open overlay panel Tomi Bergström a Jaakko Seikkula a Birgitta Alakare b Pirjo Mäki c d Päivi Köngäs-Saviaro b Jyri J. Taskila b Asko Tolvanen e Jukka Aaltonen a Jaakko Seikkula is a Professor of Psychotherapy at the University of Jyväskylä in Finland. From 1981 to 1998 he was Chief Psychologist at Keropudas hospital in Tornio, Finland, and was instrumental in the development of the Open Dialogue approach there. known as “Open Dialogue,” first described as such in 1995 (Aaltonen Seikkula, & Lehtinen, 2011; Seikkula et al., 1995). The “openness” of Open Dialogue refers to the transparency of the therapy planning and decision-making processes, which take place while everyone is present. Open Dialogue emerged out of a decade-long, organic process, while clinicians (including Jaakko Seikkula and Markku Sutela) searched for the best treatment for acute mental illness and, in OPEN DIALOGUE IN PSYCHOSIS I: AN INTRODUCTION AND CASE ILLUSTRATION Jaakko Seikkula, Birgitta Alakare, Jukka Aaltonen To cite this article: Jaakko Seikkula, Birgitta Alakare, Jukka Aaltonen (2001) OPEN DIALOGUE IN PSYCHOSIS I: AN INTRODUCTION AND CASE ILLUSTRATION, Journal of Constructivist Psychology, 14:4, 247-265, DOI: 10.1080/10720530125965 Open Dialogue (OD) is an innovative, language-based, network approach to acute psychiatric crises developed by Jaakko Seikkula, Birgitta Alakare, Jukka Aaltonen and their multi-disciplinary team at Keropudas Hospital in Tornio, Finland.

SveMed+ - Karolinska Institutet

Teoksessa  Metoden är utvecklad i Norra Finland av bl.a. professor Jaakko Seikkula och sprider sig nu i resten av världen under namnet ”Open Dialogue  av G Lundh · 2016 — concepts by Tor Wennerberg and Jaakko Seikkula. Open Dialogue är en psykiatrimetod som utvecklades på 80-talet i norra Finland, Keropudas- sjukhuset i  Vi har kompetens att leda nätverksmöten (Open Dialogue). Till mötet Per Linell, Rolf Holmqvist, Jaakko Seikkula, Dialogisk praxis Sverige AB (Monica Hartzell  As the book touches upon dialogues with and within private networks, the book reaches out to clients, too.

Jaakko seikkula open dialogue

Dialogical Meetings in Social Networks - Tom Erik Arnkil - Häftad

Dr Jaakko Seikkula. Psychologist & family therapist in Finland.

Jaakko seikkula open dialogue

OPEN DIALOGUE IN PSYCHOSIS I: AN INTRODUCTION AND CASE ILLUSTRATION Jaakko Seikkula, Birgitta Alakare, Jukka Aaltonen To cite this article: Jaakko Seikkula, Birgitta Alakare, Jukka Aaltonen (2001) OPEN DIALOGUE IN PSYCHOSIS I: AN INTRODUCTION AND CASE ILLUSTRATION, Journal of Constructivist Psychology, 14:4, 247-265, DOI: 10.1080/10720530125965 Jaakko Seikkula, Ph.D. is a senior faculty member of the Institute for Dialogic Practice and a Professor of Psychotherapy at the University of Jyvaskyla, Finland. From 1981 to 1998, he was the chief psychologist at Keropudas Hospital in Tornio, Finland. It was during this time that he developed Open Dialogue. Open Dialogue (OD) is an innovative, language-based, network approach to acute psychiatric crises developed by Jaakko Seikkula, Birgitta Alakare, Jukka Aaltonen and their multi-disciplinary team at Keropudas Hospital in Tornio, Finland. You are here: Home About ISPS Learning Resources Jaakko Seikkula: The Finnish Open Dialogue Approach About us The ISPS Executive Committee (ISPS EC) is composed of eight members who are elected by ballot, by the ISPS membership, at least every three years.
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Jaakko seikkula open dialogue

Dialog hösten 2010 som svenska familje- terapiföreningen anordnade, fick Jaakko.

Ewertzon  “Open Dialogue” is an innovative approach to acute psychiatric crises developed by Jaakko Seikkula, Markku Sutela, and their multidisciplinary team at Keropudas Hospital in Tornio, Finland. The principles and values of Open Dialogue are simple.
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“Philosophy as an Art of Living: Situating the Method of Socratic Dialogue Seikkula, Jaakko och Tom Erik Arnkil. Yalom, Irvin D. Gift of therapy: an open letter to a new generation of therapists and  tools for this are based on concepts by Tor Wennerberg and Jaakko Seikkula. 16 dagar i april 2017 på restaurangen Open Café i Stockholm där rätterna på dialogue between the two, turning the receiving part to a contributing one. bred förståelse och i ”open ended” dialogiska processer – kunna ta sig an 221 – vid Västbusmöte 318 Seikkula, Jaakko 36, 37, 70 ff, 186, 192 ff, 268 ätstörning 292 ff Ö öppna samtal (open dialogues) 36, 70, 192, 195 f,  International seminar ”DIALOGUE AND LOVE KEEP PEOPLE AND THEIR Jaakko Seikkula and Jim Wilson First day the title is: How dialogues and Dallos, R (2006): Attachment Narrative Therapy, Open University Press.

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Open Dialogues and Anticipations - Boktider


Min terapeut var som en mamma« - RSMH

Open Dialogue (OD) is a family-oriented early intervention approach which Dialogue in Acute Psychosis (ODAP I and ODAP II) projects (see Seikkula et al.,  Dr Jaakko Seikkula is a Professor of Psychotherapy at Jyväskylä University in Finland. He has written extensively on the Open Dialogue approach, having been  “Open Dialogue” is an innovative approach to acute psychiatric crises developed by Jaakko Seikkula, Markku Sutela, and their multidisciplinary team at  Basic principles of Finnish Open Dialogue. Click here to view The Key Elements of Dialogic Practice in Open Dialogue' .

Open Dialogue is an innovative approach to acute psychiatric crises developed by Jaakko Seikkula, Markku Sutela and their multidisciplinary team at Keropudas Hospital in Tornio, Finland. OPEN DIALOGUE: Clients voices as resources Jaakko Seikkula Seikkula, J. & Arnkil, TE: Open dialogues and anticipations. Respecting Otherness in the present mom… Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. 2019-08-11 · Jaakko Seikkula, PhD, at the kickoff meeting of HOPEnDialogue, a new Open Dialogue international research collaborative, in Rome, Italy, July 2, 2019. To learn more and to support this project Op 19 en 20 oktober 2017 organiseerden we een volgende tweedaagse met Jaakko Seikkula, inclusief workshops met andere Europese voortrekkers en praktijkvoorbeelden (Jim Wilson, Nina Saarinen, Wilma Boevink, Helle Vase Sørensen, Dorte Elleby en Stijn Vanheule), ter voorbereiding op verdere gerichte training rond Open Dialogue. In Finland, a network-based, language approach to psychiatric care has emerged, called "Open Dialogue." It draws on Bakhtin's dialogical principles (Bakhtin, 1984) and is rooted in a Batesonian tradition. Two levels of analysis, the poetics and the micropolitics, are presented.